Francestown News
Founded in 1996, The Francestown News has been serving town residents for over 25 years.

The non-profit Francestown News is written by neighbors, for neighbors. Everyone is welcome to submit to the paper. Submissions may be edited for length or content.

Submissions of articles, pictures, and community calendar items are due to the editors by the 20th of the month.

Display and classified ads are due by the 19th of the month. Please contact an editor in advance to reserve space for an event occurring after the deadline.

Subscriptons are available for $15 per year, covering the issue price and mailing cost. Send payment to The Francestown News, PO Box 248, Francestown NH 03043.

EDITOR Sarah Hibbard Pyle 547-3934
SCHOOLS EDITOR Beth Wallace 547-3599
CIRCULATION MANAGER Sarah Hibbard Pyle 547-3934
ADVERTISING MANAGER Cindy St. Jean 547-6204
  LAYOUT EDITOR Cindy St. Jean 547-6204

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Copyright 2023-2024 The Francestown News, PO Box 248, Francestown NH 03043